Thursday, December 4, 2008

11-0 and Jack Backie is at it again!!!

Reports are filtering through from Kendari that maverick Taiping Defensive End Jack Backie has become embroiled in yet another sex scandal. Taiping fans will be aware of the endless stream of paternity suits that caused Backie's premature departure from Eastern European powerhouse the Krakow Gutter Runners and led to him acquiring the nickname "Barebackie".It was hoped by his agent Fumbbler that the move to the hotter Climes of Taiping might slow Backie down, but it appears his on field prowess is once again destined to be overshadowed by off field events.The latest "incident" revolves around Backie being seen leaving a Kendari nightclub with well known transvestite cabaret star Iva Dick.When asked to comment Backie's agent had this to say " Jack has assured me this is all a misunderstanding,he was fully aware Iva is in fact a man and they were in his room discussing a possible Sex Panther tie-in."Reports Backie was seen at 3 am hammering on the room door of team -mate Brody Taylor yelling "You Git She's a dude" remain unconfirmed.This all follows on from reports of a rift in the Taiping dressing room with rumours of in fighting between members of the infamous "Taiping Wall". Backie had earlier admitted in cahoots with Taylor,spraying Sex Panther on the uniforms of several of his defensive colleagues in what he described as a free promotion. Sex Panther being made from bits of real panthers, is known to raise testosterone to dangerous levels and in some cases lead to the manifestation of verbally aggressive behaviour.In order to detract from the alleged simmering feud team owner Scoran has installed hot tubs in the locker room and increased the size of the cheerleader squad from 16 to 20.Fortunately off field events have not thus far affected the team's results with the trip to Kendari ending in a 178-0 victory for the Wildcats.

On a lighter note, the CATS host the Myanmar Cyclones tonight at 10:00PM EST!!!

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