Tuesday, November 25, 2008

7-0 and the Legend come to town!!!!

Up to this point, the CATS have not had much competition. The Minnesota Legend are 2-5 and on paper, do not look that good. However, they have a great coaching staff and I think they will do a little damage to the CATS. Will they win, NO!!!! But it should be a good shootout between two power house offenses. Stay tuned as the CATS host the Legend Wed night 26 Nov 08 at 2100 hrs for you military type.

Monday, November 17, 2008


The CATS have had no competition three games into the new season. Next up, the Japan Mob will be the next victim of the GOLDEN CATS. After the 4-0 start, the CATS finally get some competition as they visit the Phnom Phen Pirates on Nov 20th. Will the CATS be able to hold off the Pirates in their place? Stay tuned to find out.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

And Season #6 Begins!!!!

This is not the day to be coming into the CATS LAIR. The London Bombers come to the house that MadIrish Built. Great for CATS fans as they can be heard from miles away awaiting their beloved CATS as they make that tunnel walk into the LAIR. Word of advice for the Bombers, "Go home now why you can." Be there tonight at the CATS dismantle the London Bombers in their season and home opener in TAIPING. Last predictions say the CATS take this one by triple digits.

Monday, November 3, 2008

New Season-Same Cats

Well, Season 5 is in the books and after a heartbreaking upset loss in the first round of the playoffs, The Cats watched conference rivals The Singapore Fighting Falcons take the League Championship. Good luck to the Falcons at the next level. During the offseason we'll be re-loading and getting things back in order with a few minor roster and structuring changes-then it's on to Season 6. This will be our year!